Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 7-star Tera Raid Chesnaught Event
The upcoming Tera Raid Battle for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet has been revealed, and it will feature Chesnaught, the final evolution of Chespin from Pokemon X and Y. Chesnaught is a Rock Tera Type and will be available in 7 Star Raids. As with previous events, Chesnaught will have the Mightiest Mark and can only be caught once per save file.
In Tera Raid Battles, players must team up with three others to battle a formidable Pokemon within a limited time frame. The types of Pokemon featured in these events can vary, and some may even have a rare Tera Type. To participate in the Tera Raid Battle events, players can automatically download the latest Poke Portal News if their Switch system is connected online (Nintendo Switch Online subscription not required). Alternatively, they can access it manually by selecting Poke Portal from the X menu, then Mystery Gift, and finally Check Poke Portal News.
Players of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet can join the Chesnaught Tera Raid Battle event from May 12 to May 14, with a second run available from May 19 to May 21.