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Pokemon Sword and Shield Trick Room Team

Pokemon Sword and Shield Trick Room Team

Regular price $15.00
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For sale is a trade which will guarantee you obtain Trick Room Team!
Feel free to message me if you have any questions! 

Each Pokemon will be:
- Your Rarity of Choice (Not Shiny, Shiny, Square Shiny)
- Pokemon Home compatible 
- Battle/Trade compatible 

Important Information: 

It will take up to 48-72 hours for your Pokemon to be prepared.

- These Pokémon can only be obtained with Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield with an internet connection.

- You will need to have Nintendo Switch Online.

- You will need to have 6 unneeded Pokemon.

- Upon purchase, message me your Trainer name and I will send you a link code.

Trading with a link code: Enter the Y-Comm by Pressing Y. Then connect to the internet inside the Y-comm by using the + button. On the top left-hand side, go to link trade then link code, and enter the 8 digit number I provided. Both players must "Set Link Code." and put in the same link code. Follow the prompt until it closes the menu. You will be searching on the bottom left-hand side.


    Corviknight @ Psychic Seed LV. 100
    Ability: Mirror Armor
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
    Careful Nature
    IVs: 8 SpA
    - Iron Head
    - Body Press
    - Bulk Up
    - Roost

    Hatterene @ Babiri Berry LV. 100
    Ability: Magic Bounce
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
    Quiet Nature
    IVs: 10 Atk / 0 Spe
    - Protect
    - Psychic
    - Dazzling Gleam
    - Trick Room

    Indeedee-F @ Focus Sash LV. 100
    Ability: Psychic Surge
    EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
    Modest Nature
    IVs: 20 Atk
    - Psychic
    - Mystical Fire
    - Follow Me
    - Helping Hand

    Dragapult @ Weakness Policy LV. 100
    Ability: Clear Body
    EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe
    Adamant Nature
    IVs: 28 SpA
    - Protect
    - Dragon Darts
    - Phantom Force
    - Dragon Dance

    Arctozolt @ Life Orb LV. 100
    Ability: Volt Absorb
    EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
    Brave Nature
    IVs: 0 Spe
    - Protect
    - Bolt Beak
    - Icicle Crash
    - Freeze-Dry

    Centiskorch @ Room Service LV. 100
    Ability: Flash Fire
    EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
    Adamant Nature
    IVs: 4 SpA
    - Protect
    - Flare Blitz
    - Leech Life
    - Power Whip


    This listing is for breeding to trade, and upon completing the steps of the trade you will receive Pokemon exactly like those shown in the photo. I do not own the rights to Pokemon, or anything associated with it. The listing solely regards the time and effort I put into breeding and trading.

    Hours of Operation: Monday Through Friday 3PM Eastern Time-12AM Eastern Time. CLOSED ON WEEKENDS! After purchase, message me your order number or name on the purchase and we will get to as soon as possible.


    We check messages often, please contact us with any questions prior to purchasing.

    Feel free to call or text 252-515-2159. Sending a text message and/or messaging me on Facebook Messenger will create a faster response time. Continue to Train On with Pokemon4Ever!


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